Yesterday, I committed catnap.
Not of the sleep kind, but of the feline kidnapping kind.
Whilst out at work, I found a gorgeous, delicate cat: undernourished with bones sticking out. The friendliest little thing, she was just sitting on a doorstep and the woman who lived inside told me that it had been neglected and just strolled around outside looking for scraps of food.
Cue a mad rush a few hours later of both my mum and I grabbing the cat from the neighbourhood, bringing it back to ours, and feeding it up with endless supplies of fish and turkey.
Florence (as I've now called her) now curls up snuggly on my bed, and follows me around as if I'm her Cat Mother... occasionally giving me a meerkat pose on her hind legs, or a teddy glance with her squidgy face.
Now to find her the warm and kind home she deserves...
Oh ma gawd. Want. That feline would be a fine specimen to add to my collection.
So cute!!