Having just returned from holiday in glorious Rome, it feels selfish to admit I'm already looking towards my next great adventure! Whereas I once feared the smell and sight of anything remotely relating to an airport, I'm beginning to find the whole experience rather exhilarating.
Fortunately, there are still a lot of places I hanker to visit; the usual Australia, America, India, and then countries like Madagascar, Easter Island and Iceland where you could experience something a bit more unusual.
Rather unfortunately, I have no money, and am unlikely to for the foreseeable future.
In another area of my life, I have gained more work experience! In Easter, I shall spend 3 weeks at a children's publishers in Fleet Street, sorting through manuscripts and working with the writer and artists to create a picture book for the younger generation. This is something I haven't dabbled in before, so it will be fascinating to work in a different kind of environment! Plus I get to stay with my boyfriend in London for the duration of the placement, which is always a bonus.
Then in June, I shall be spending time working on The Sunday Times travel magazine! I thought this was a pleasing process of amalgamating my passions for writing and travelling, and, again, is a field I haven't really worked in before. (I once wrote a travel guide to Narnia, but I figure this would be inappropriate for a magazine in the real world.)
I have now completed the first semester of my university studies, and will return for a second dose of hell in a few days time. Not particularly looking forward to the following 12 weeks (which sounds like such a short time, but feels like a dragged out torturing method). However, I have things to look forward to, including my 20th, Valentine's Day, our 1st year anniversary, the Mother's 51st, gigs, etc...and another big date which is the worst date in the calendar, for very personal reasons.
Now to look at ways to survive: I always shrivel up and become quite inward when at university, which I enjoy to an extent, but not when it leaves me with time to mull over issues and worry. My boyfriend jokingly mentioned making cards last night, but I think I might just give it a stab - or at least a dying poke in a vain attempt to stir some creative juices.